Library providing algorithmic and data structure building blocks to create cutting-edge numerical solvers for solving PDEs with the finite element method (FEM) using mixed-dimensional methods, parallel multigrid preconditioners and rich matrix-free/matrix-based features
Direct solver for sparse linear systems with symmetric, unsymmetric, real-valued and complex matrices, implementing novel block low-rank approximate factorizations
A parallel sparse linear algebra toolkit implementing massively parallel sparse solvers and preconditioners for a wide range of multi-physics and multi-scale simulations
High-order CFD and multiphysics application solver using deal.II
Polytopal discontinuous Galerkin solvers based on deal.II for novel algorithms on agglomerated entities with high flexibility
A comprehensive multi-physics framework for research in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, scalar transport and chemical reactions, slated to use advanced exascale capabilities of the deal.II library
a deal.II-based multiphysics simulation tool to analyze the intricate multiscale coupling inherent to vascularized tissues
A simulator for poro-viscoelastic processes in the human brain